These roses are an intoxicating blend of unique beauty and tantalizing fragrance. Grandiflora roses do not fit perfectly in the same classification with hybrid teas or floribundas. Grandifloras have large, showy flowers that are produced on long stems, and can form either singly or in clusters of three to five blooms. As a bush, they typically grow larger and more upright than hybrid tea roses will. Roses marked as OWN ROOT are great options for those growing in colder zones as these own root roses will come back true to name after dying back to the ground in the winter.
#24198OR$33.95 - In StockZones 4-9-(P.P. 32456) Pretty as a picture in our test garden, putting out wave after wave of blooms, all summer...
#24224OR$33.95 - In Stock(P.P.30860)-Bring the sweet vibes of this rose home to your garden. Large buds spiral open into 3 inch, sweetly...
#24245BD$33.95 - In StockZones 5-9 (P.P.24725) First it entices with its strong, spicy clove and lemony-citrus perfume, then it seduces...