Fruit Trees

  • #30757
    $39.95 - In Stock
    (P.P.17301) Late season bloom, frost tolerant blossoms and above average tree hardiness combine to make this...
  • #30768
    $46.95 - In Stock
    This Canadian variety produces very large, meaty, dark red fruits without the aid of another sweet cherry variety as...
  • #30774
    $39.95 - In Stock
    (P.P.18892) The only self-fertile white sweet cherry on the market. Large, firm, crack-resistant fruits are light...
  • #30842X
    $96.95 - In Stock
    1 each of Jung's Hardy Wisconsin, Flemish Beauty and Harrow Sweet. Jung's Hardy... 
  • #30453
    $33.95 - In Stock
    Figs can be grown in colder climates if they are pruned as a bush and covered in winter or grown in a tub and...
  • #30459
    $33.95 - In Stock
    Dark brown fruits with amber-pink, sweet and flavorful flesh. Begins ripening in late July and often produces two...
  • #30970
    $43.95 - In Stock
    One of the easiest citrus for Northern gardeners to grow. Well-suited to pot culture, it has the ability to bloom and...
  • #30969
    $43.95 - In Stock
    Now almost anyone can grow their own limes. These attractive, self-fertile plants produce an abundance of...
  • #22560
    $36.95 - In Stock
    Edible fruits! A unique true mountain ash found growing in the wild in Russia. Rabina has a remarkably good tasting...
  • #22561
    $37.95 - In Stock
    Large delectable fruits! A hybrid of mountain ash and pear, attractive trees produce round, yellow-orange fruits the...
  • #30940
    $35.95 - In Stock
    Imagine giant, sweet berries growing on a tree! Juicy, sweet and delicious fruits are 1.5 inches long, ripening from...
  • #30890
    $39.95 - In Stock
    The 'fuzz-less' peach! This nectarine from Canada has hardiness comparable to Reliance peach making it more reliable...
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