Product Details
Page Number Web Only
Light Requirements Full Sun
Fragrant n
Maturity 75
Spacing 10 in to 12 in
Hybrid / Open Pollinated: Open Pollinated
Genus Lactuca
Species sativa
Subspecies Calmar
Common Name Lettuce, Calmar 

Lettuce, Calmar 

  • 500 seeds
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75 days. Dependably forms big, firmly packed heads with fresh green color. This widely adapted iceberg-type can be planted all season as it has strong resistance to heat, tip-burn and downy mildew. Heads have a well-closed base that locks in the sweet, mild flavor and crisp, tender leaf texture. Rarely becomes bitter. Widely grown in Europe for home garden use.

State Restrictions


Product Details
Page Number Web Only
Light Requirements Full Sun
Fragrant n
Maturity 75
Spacing 10 in to 12 in
Hybrid / Open Pollinated: Open Pollinated
Genus Lactuca
Species sativa
Subspecies Calmar
Common Name Lettuce, Calmar