Product Details
Page Number 29
Growing Zones 3
Flowering Season
Light Requirements
Fragrant 3
Size Shipped potted plant
Height 3-4'
Flowering Yes
Spacing 5 ft to 6 ft
Genus Hosta
Subspecies Empress Wu
Common Name Hosta, Empress Wu

Hosta, Empress Wu

(P.P.20774) Possibly the largest hosta ever. Massive, 18 inch, dark green leaves are thick, deeply veined and slug resistant, forming a huge, upright clump 3 to 4 feet tall and up to 6 feet wide. In early to midsummer, spikes bearing violet flowers appear just above the foliage. If you have the space, this is most definitely an attention grabber and conversation piece. Use it as a shrub for shade or background for other shade plants.

Growing Zone: 3

Light Requirements:

Own Root

Height: 3-4'

State Restrictions


Growing Zones 3
Page Number 29
Flowering Season
Light Requirements
Fragrant 3
Size Shipped potted plant
Height 3-4'
Flowering Yes
Spacing 5 ft to 6 ft
Genus Hosta
Subspecies Empress Wu
Common Name Hosta, Empress Wu