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Amaryllis - Garden Guide

For gardeners and non-gardeners, growing Amaryllis bulbs is one of the most enjoyable and satisfying things to do during the long winter months. Amaryllis make great Christmas or holiday gifts. Simple and easy for anyone to grow and enjoy!

  • Amaryllis will typically bloom about 6 to 8 weeks after planting.
  • Until planting time, store Amaryllis bulbs in a cool, dark, but well-ventilated place. (45°-55°F)

NOTE:: If a bulb feels spongy it has passed its prime and should just be discarded.


  • Pots for Amaryllis bulbs should be no more than 1-2 inches wider than the bulb you are planting./li>
  • Pots should also have adequate drainage holes.
  • Use good peat or compost-based soil for potting. Blending in a small amount of phosphorus fertilizer like bone meal, rock, or superphosphate, according to product instructions, is acceptable, but avoid nitrogen fertilizers that can cause all foliage with little to no blooms.
  • Fill the pot 1/2 way with pre-moistened soil, carefully center the bulb, then fill in around the bulb with additional soil. Once planted, the neck and shoulders of the bulb should be above the soil level.
  • After planting, water the soil and gently firm it around the bulb to remove any air pockets.

NOTE: Amaryllis can get top-heavy due to the tall stalk and big blooms, so that a heavier pot can be helpful.

Post Planting Care

  • Once planted, place the pot in a cool, dark spot to initiate root growth, which will then encourage new leaves to sprout. This usually takes about 4 to 6 weeks.
  • Water sparingly initially during the rooting stage. Once leaves start growing, watering can increase, but avoid overwatering during the rooting stage. Bulbs are most prone to rotting in overly wet soil during this time.
  • Once the leaves emerge, the plant should be placed in a sunny window at room temperatures of 70°-75°F.
  • Bulbs may produce leaves first, or flower stalks first. Either way is normal.
  • As the flower stalk grows, be sure to rotate the pot occasionally to keep it growing straight. Bloom stalks will bend towards the light. Avoid this by rotating the pot some each day.

Care After Blooming

Once the bulb is done flowering, it is not necessary to discard it. With proper care, bulbs can be saved and enjoyed year after year.

  • After flowering is done, cut off the flower stems 1-2 inches above the top of the bulb, but not the leaves. The leaves provide critical resources and energy for eventual re-blooming. Once they are yellow and dry, they can be removed.
  • When the top of the soil dries out, water the plant. Don't allow the soil to get too dry or soggy.
  • Fertilize the bulb twice per month from May through late September, especially late summer, as that is when the flower initials are formed for blooming. We recommend Algoplus 4-6-7 Flowering Plant fertilizer.
  • Amaryllis can be planted outdoors in-ground for the summer season. Do this after the threat of frost has passed. Plant with the top of the bulb remaining up and out of the soil as you would if it were in a pot.
  • Well before frost, lift and re-pot the plant and bring it into a cool, dark location with a temperature range of 50°-55°F. Amaryllis bulbs should remain resting in this temperature range for about eight weeks to help induce reblooming.
  • At this same time, reduce watering to enhance the resting or dormancy period. Leaves may be yellow and fade, which is normal. They can be cut off at this time or before the bulb is brought back out again during winter.
  • At the end of this resting period, bring the plant to room temperature, place it in a sunny location, and resume regular watering to start the growth and blooming process all over again.

NOTE: Prior to planting out, harden off the Amaryllis plant for about one week in a semi-shade location, watering as needed. Amaryllis are tropical plants, but foliage exposed to full or direct, hot sunlight can scald the leaves.