The allicin content in garlic supports normal cholesterol levels, enhances circulation and boosts the immune system. The largest bulbs (also referred to as heads) are produced from fall planting, but a heavy mulch is necessary in cold areas to prevent frost heaving. Harvest fall planted garlic the following summer, leaving any small bulbs to grow for another year. Garlic can take 2 to 3 seasons of growing and replanting before cloves become fully acclimated to your growing conditions. For softneck types, 6 heads will plant about 25 feet of row. For hardneck types, 6 heads will plant about 10-15 feet. Separate garlic into cloves just before planting.
#04512* 1/2 pound - $19.95 - In Stock
An easy-to-grow strain acclimated to northern conditions. The large bulbs can be separated into cloves that are... -
#04510* 1/2 pound - $19.95 - In Stock
A softneck artichoke garlic with tight, light colored wrappers surrounding fat, round outer cloves. Has pleasing rich... -
#04523* 1/2 pound - $19.95 - In Stock
This softneck, silverskin garlic makes beautiful braids with its 10 to 12 rose-colored cloves encased in smooth,... -
#F04585$11.95 - In StockThese perennial heirloom onions form clusters of very small bulblets or sets on the tips of the leafstalks....