Product Details
Page Number 43
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Common Name Captan® 50% WP Fruit and Ornamental Fungicide, 8 Oz Powder

Captan® 50% WP Fruit and Ornamental Fungicide, 8 Oz Powder

  • 8 ounces
  • $22.95
  • Out of Stock
One of the best all-purpose fungicides for disease control on fruit trees, flowers, vegetables, berries and lawns. Excellent control for "gray mold" on strawberries, as well as leaf diseases. Controls damping off, Powdery Mildew, Brown Rot, Early and Late Blights, Anthracnose and more. Easy to use, but always follow label directions. WP = Wettable Powder.

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Product Details
Page Number 43
Fragrant n
Common Name Captan® 50% WP Fruit and Ornamental Fungicide, 8 Oz Powder